Loans Can Be FUN Podcast

Talking with local experts to give advice for everyone in all walks of life.


LCBF Episode 5 - Scott Nelson - SLN Financial


Episode 5 of "Loans Can Be Fun" features Scott Nelson from SLN Financial, who shares his journey from selling prepaid funeral plans to financial planning, emphasizing the importance of early and informed retirement planning.

Episode 5 of the "Loans Can Be Fun" podcast features Scott Nelson from SLN Financial as a special guest. The hosts introduce Scott, highlighting his expertise as a financial planner. The discussion begins with Scott's background and what sets him apart in the financial planning industry. He emphasizes the importance of integrity and experience in providing financial advice. Scott shares his previous job experience in selling prepaid funeral plans, which led him to financial planning. He talks about encountering many older individuals with poor financial advice from various sources, which motivated him to pursue a career in financial planning. He also touches on the challenges faced by retirees, particularly the fear of outliving their money and the need for reliable income during retirement. Scott holds several designations, including a Series 65 securities license, which requires him to act as a fiduciary, always putting his clients' best interests first. He discusses the different rules that apply to retirement compared to the growth phase of financial planning, emphasizing the need for generating income in retirement over focusing solely on the rate of return. The conversation then shifts to the importance of planning for retirement, with Scott stressing the need for early planning to avoid common pitfalls. He also explains the process of how he works with clients, which involves three free consultations to understand their goals, gather data, and discuss potential solutions. Finally, the hosts talk about the upcoming segments in the podcast that will delve deeper into topics like Social Security, Medicare, and reverse mortgages, aiming to provide listeners with essential financial information. The episode concludes with Scott encouraging listeners to reach out for financial guidance and the importance of making informed decisions for a secure retirement. Contact SLN Financial: (435) 723-3370 or visit their website here:

Filetype: AAC - Size: 38 MB - Duration: 19:52m (255 kbps 48000 Hz)

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