Loans Can Be FUN Podcast

Talking with local experts to give advice for everyone in all walks of life.


LCBF Episode 10 - Michael Glassford - Legal Ink


Episode 10 of the Loans Can Be Fun Podcast features Michael Glassford from Legal Ink Estate Planning, focusing on the critical aspects of estate planning, wills, and trusts

Episode 10 of the "Loans Can Be Fun" podcast features an insightful discussion with Michael Glassford from Legal Ink Estate Planning. The episode covers a wide range of topics related to estate planning, emphasizing the importance and intricacies of setting up wills and trusts. Michael begins by sharing his background, detailing his journey from wanting to be a writer to becoming a lawyer specializing in estate planning and trusts. He talks about his education and early career in Missouri as a general practitioner before transitioning to his current specialization. The discussion reveals his passion for business and how it intertwines with his legal expertise. The conversation then delves into the misconceptions and important aspects of estate planning. Michael clarifies the common misunderstanding that wills avoid probate, explaining instead how wills direct probate. He stresses that trusts are more efficient in avoiding probate and managing estate affairs without government intervention. Michael also addresses misconceptions about trusts, like the belief that they are only for the wealthy or are excessively expensive. He illustrates how trusts are beneficial for creating systems and maintaining control over how assets are distributed, including stipulations for when and how beneficiaries receive their inheritance. The episode highlights the significance of proper estate planning for various life scenarios, particularly concerning children's guardianship. Michael explains the potential legal complications that can arise without a trust or a guardianship plan in place. He also discusses the importance of updating estate plans to reflect changes in family and financial situations. Listeners are guided through the process of setting up a trust, including what information is needed and the importance of understanding the legal documents involved. Michael emphasizes his role in providing expertise and understanding, not just legal documentation. The podcast concludes with Michael providing contact information for listeners interested in estate planning services. He mentions his website and other ways to reach him, including social media and phone. The episode wraps up with a lighthearted touch, discussing how Michael relates complex legal topics to popular culture references, making them more understandable and engaging for clients. Overall, Episode 10 offers valuable insights into estate planning, addressing common misconceptions and highlighting the importance of trusts and wills in safeguarding one's assets and ensuring their proper distribution according to personal wishes. Reach out to Micheal at or by visiting

Filetype: AAC - Size: 69 MB - Duration: 35:59m (255 kbps 48000 Hz)

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